Get Rid of Anxiety and Bring in Positivity with Positive Emotional Replacement

It is important to get rid of anxiety and stress, but more important is to connect with positive thoughts and emotions after overcoming anxiety.

Here are some simple exercises to build positive emotions inside your mind and manipulate things inside your mind to feel more positive.

This process, I am going to share with you now is just like copying and pasting the positive emotions into the context where you want to paste that.

Like copying love, compassion, courage and positivity to somewhere you feel that you need more of it.

We have a phenomenon called neuroassociation inside our body. To understand this, let’s take an example that you are eating something and smell of that instantly reminds you of something from the past. May be a dish cooked by your grandmother in the past.

We call this smell of food as an anchor, that hold the memory with it.

Another example is, a certain song can bring you back the memories from your school or college days.

In an interesting experiement done by soviet neurologist and physiologist, Ivan Pavlov on dogs, while feeding the dogs, he rang a bell when dogs saw the food and started salvation.

After continuing this process for several days, ringing of bell became the anchor and these dogs on hearing the bell started expecting the food.

This same concept works on humans.

Think of a scenario where you need more of something positive, such as more confidence, more strength, more focus.

Just imagine that you are feeling somewhat excited or may be a neutral feeling. Here we are not overcoming something negative but building on something positive.

So think about the time and place where you want more of this positive feeling. Also think about what you want more of.

For e.g you are about to step on a stage and need more confidence to face the audiences and give a great presentation in front of them.

Now, put yourself in that imaginary situation where you are on the stage. standing full of confidence and audiences are cheering for you.

Think about this for few seconds and check how much better you feel.

Once you start feeling better put your thumb and forefinger together and keep it for few seconds and leave it.

Just wait and allow this postive feeling to build more inside you. Try to feel more of this positivity, inside your body. Feel the movement, the spin on this feeling.

Now again, just hold the forefinger and the thumb together and let that positive feeling build inside your mind and body.

Now when the time comes and you have to get on the stage in front of an audience, just try this trick and put your thumb and forefinger together. This will help you get rid of the negative feelings and build on positive feelings.

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